Handling missing data in large electronic healthcare record datasets
Theme Translational data science
Workstream Large, complex datasets
Biomarkers for screening and diagnosing lung cancer
Theme Translational data science
Workstream Omics for prediction and prognosis
Changing attention bias to reduce body dissatisfaction
Theme Mental health
Workstream Psychological interventions
Interviewing surgical teams to optimise new chemotherapy delivery method
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Innovative translational research methods
Would parents attending a weight management programme accept support for their children?
Theme Diet and physical activity
Workstream Clinical diet and physical activity
The ALPACA study
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Innovative translational research methods
Does time-restricted eating in children improve metabolic health?
Theme Diet and physical activity
Workstream Population diet and physical activity
Co-designing a digital solution to help people manage their diabetes
Theme Diet and physical activity
Workstream Clinical diet and physical activity
Predicting complications in malignant pleural effusions - a pilot study
Theme Respiratory disease
Workstream Personalised care in pleural disease