Dr Katie Whale
Senior research fellow
Workstream lead for Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery
Dr Whale is a health psychologist and qualitative researcher specialising in intervention design and behaviour change.
She co-leads the surgical and orthopaedic innovation workstream on developing novel co-interventions in orthopaedic surgery and musculoskeletal conditions.
She has expertise in musculoskeletal conditions, qualitative methodology, digital intervention design and development including health apps, and multidisciplinary team science.
Her work has gained national and international recognition, contributing to NICE guidance and parliamentary reports. Her current work is focused on prehabilitation before joint surgery, including improving sleep and physical activity levels, and the application of AI approaches to health intervention delivery.
Creating a toolkit to improve patients’ sleep on hospital wards
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery
Improving sleep for inpatients on surgical wards
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery
Supporting exercise before joint replacement
Theme Surgical and orthopaedic innovation
Workstream Interventions to improve patient outcomes after surgery