New animations report the views of young people using flash glucose monitoring for type 1 diabetes
- 25 May 2022
Two new animations report the views and experiences of young people (from 8 to 17 years old) using flash monitoring for type 1 diabetes. The FLASH (Glucose Monitoring for Young People with Diabetes) study aims to find out if a sensor worn on the skin of the upper arm can help young people to manage their diabetes better. It is supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Research for Patient Benefit programme.
Dr Jenny Ingram, Dr Rebecca Kandiyali and the FLASH team created two short, animated videos showcasing how children and young people felt about using the sensor.
The videos — aimed at 8–12-year-olds and 13–17-year-olds — use quotes provided by children and young people, who took part in the study, to illustrate the impact that flash monitoring had on their everyday lives.
Dr Rebecca Kandiyali said:
“We hope that these animations will help both children and parents understand what it’s like to use a flash monitor.”
Dr Jenny Ingram said:
“We thought it was important to give young people a voice and let them tell us about their experiences.
“They saw the sensor as a tool that not only helped them manage their condition better, but was easy to use and let them get on with their lives.”
Watch the video for 8-12-year-olds
Watch the video for 13-17-year-old
The study team created two infographics to support this study.
The first infographic was developed from feedback provided by parents. It talks about improvements in quality of life, the challenges and difficulties of this type of monitoring, the confidence and independence that came from young people being able to manage their own condition better and the need for advice and training designed specifically for young people.
See infographic developed with parents
The second infographic was developed from feedback provided by NHS staff. Researchers interviewed 10 health professionals from seven hospitals in the South West of England. The infographic talks about how health professionals are adapting to change and embracing new technology while also needing to update their technical skills and manage delays sometimes caused by IT systems.