Dr Fiona Kinnear: Doctoral prize winner for the Faculty of Health Sciences in 2020/21
- 13 October 2021
Fiona Kinnear, NIHR Bristol BRC Nutrition theme PhD student, has been awarded the prize for outstanding excellence in a doctoral dissertation for the University of Bristol’s Faculty of Health Sciences in 2020/21. Fiona successfully defended her thesis at her viva in October 2020.
Each year, the University’s Research Degrees Examination Board presents a prize for a doctoral candidate in each Faculty. The award reflects the very high standard of Fiona’s work, and demonstrates the effort and commitment she brought to her research.
Fiona’s thesis was entitled “Nutrition and physical activity intervention for families with Familial Hypercholesterolaemia”. Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is an inherited condition which causes very high levels of blood cholesterol and requires lifelong pharmacological treatment. The aim of Fiona’s PhD was to explore the influence of diet and physical activity upon blood cholesterol in children and their parents with FH.
Fiona’s co-supervisors were Professor Julian Hamilton-Shield, Dr Fiona Lithander, Dr Aidan Searle and Professor David Stensel, Loughborough University.
The award reflects great credit on both Fiona and her supervisors. Congratulations Fiona!