Understanding the link between eczema and acne and mental health

Theme Translational data science

Workstream Genetic evidence to prioritise intervention

Status: This project is ongoing

People with eczema or acne often experience poor mental health, including impact on mood, behaviour, sleep, substance use, psychosis and even suicidal attempts. These skin condition are also thought to affect neurodevelopment, including ADHD and autism. 

Several studies have reported observational associations between these skin conditions and mental health or neurodevelopmental outcomes. But the causes are not well understood.

Project aims

We will explore:

  • The biological processes between skin conditions and mental health and neurodevelopment to understand if one is causing the other
  • Whether inflammation or other biological processes affect these relationships
  • The role of existing treatments on these relationships

To do this, we will use genetic data and a statistical technique called Mendelian Randomization.

What we hope to achieve

Our findings could help people with skin conditions, by:

  • Informing how people with skin conditions are supported with their mental and neurodevelopmental health
  • Identifying potential drug targets for future treatments
  • Informing prescribing guidelines