Developing a genetic data platform for use in pharmaceutical testing

Theme Translational data science

Workstream Genetic evidence to prioritise intervention

Status: This project is ongoing

OpenGWAS is one of the largest and most used genetic research databases in the world. The platform includes around 250 billion results from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and a set of software tools that enable researchers to estimate the effects of drug and lifestyle interventions. OpenGWAS is openly available and widely used by academic researchers from around the world.  

This project aims to provide a version of OpenGWAS for pharmaceutical and biotech companies. This will generate revenue to support development of the platform. To achieve this, we are working with Bristol Innovations to develop a non-profit business unit that sells licenses, consultancy and other services.  

We are also meeting with potential industry partners to look at collaborative approaches to developing and supporting the platform to ensure it continues to meet the needs of commercial users.  

Finally, we are using the OpenGWAS platform to develop a comprehensive map of the links between genes and disease traits. This map will provide a powerful resource for pharmaceutical companies to choose which potential drug targets to focus their resources on.